Belgravia Gardens,
Project Overview
Wynyard is a delightful location offering high quality executive country living with a multitude of local amenities, inclusive of Wynyard Golf Club, Gym & Health Club, Wynyard Hall Hotel & Spa, Hair Salon, Gastro Pub, and Village Store. As a location, Wynyard delivers all of the benefits of a secluded woodland whilst enjoying close connections to both the A1 and A19, in addition to being only a short drive from the beach. Peace of mind comes in the form of private security and number plate recognition cameras on all entrances to Wynyard for the benefit of all residents.
Key Facts
Developer: Vivre Homes
Spectacular 3 no. state-of-the-art mansions situated in what is arguably one of the best residential locations, on an exclusive development of only 9 similar mansions. Located off Wellington Gardens within the Wynyard Park development to the north of the A689.